

Disciplinary Action


Employees who violate County rules, regulations, policies and procedures, including, without limitation, those listed in this Handbook, or who have unsatisfactory work performance are subject to disciplinary action up to and including discharge from employment. At the sole discretion of the County, various types of employee discipline may be imposed which include oral reprimand, written reprimand, suspension and discharge. None of these disciplinary measures are required to be used before discharge from employment occurs, nor are the listed actions required to be used in any specific order. Nothing in this Handbook shall be construed as establishing a "just cause" standard for discipline or discharge of employees or to require the County to follow progressive discipline before taking any action.

All documented disciplinary action will be placed in the employee's file.

Trempealeau County endorses a safe and pleasant work environment. Therefore, we expect employees to cooperate and commit to acceptable standards of conduct. The following list, which is not intended to be all-inclusive, gives examples of types of behaviors or conduct which, in the absolute discretion of the County, may warrant discipline or immediate discharge:


  1. Unauthorized possession of weapons
  2. Failure to maintain acceptable standards of conduct and respect for co-workers, supervisors, board members, clients, visitors
  3. Any degree or act of dishonesty
  4. Sexual or other unlawful harassment, discriminatory or retaliatory conduct
  5. Abuse of dress code
  6. Theft, attempted theft, vandalism, sabotage, abuse or damage of County property, another employee's property, or visitor's property
  7. Insubordination, noncompliance or refusal by words and/or actions to carry out the directives of a supervisor or the refusal to follow County policy and/or department work rules
  8. Misuse, falsification, disclosure or removal of confidential materials; breach of confidentiality by inappropriately discussing issues concerning employees, supervisors, clients/residents, visitors, or others at any time or place
  9. Provoking or participating in a physical assault and/or verbal altercation with another person on County property
  10. Acceptance, solicitation, borrowing money or accepting gifts of value from clients, vendors, visitors or others; the belongings of a deceased is not to be accepted if offered to any employee, nor are any clients, or others belongings to be borrowed
  11. Violation of any Federal, State or County standard that governs the agency worked under (i.e. administrative rules, state statutes, etc.)
  12. Entering a County property at unauthorized times without proper permission
  13. Unauthorized or improper use of facility equipment or supplies
  14. Excessive personal telephone or cell phone calls during work time other than emergencies;
  15. Smoking or use of tobacco products in unauthorized areas
  16. Failure to observe safety rules or use safety precaution devices; speeding, reckless driving or improper parking in County parking lots or elsewhere on County property; negligence or carelessness resulting in danger, damage, or loss to County property, fellow employees, clients, visitors, or others
  17. Arrest or conviction as it substantially relates to the requirements and/or essential functions of employed position
  18. Any other instance of improper conduct not specifically listed

Work Performance

  1. Unsatisfactory work performance
  2. Introduction, possession, or consumption of intoxicating beverages or controlled substances on County property, in County vehicles, on County time; or reporting to work in such a state that would impair the ability to perform your job; the use of prescription drugs while on duty in accord with the directives of a physician shall not be subject to discipline
  3. Neglect, abuse, or endangerment of any employee or recipient of services in Trempealeau County
  4. Failure to maintain acceptable standards of attendance; excessive unauthorized absence; excessive tardiness; abuse of sick leave; failure to notify the supervisor of illness and absence prior to scheduled shift and/or keeping supervisor informed of status; habitual leaving early or returning late from meal periods and breaks; failure to obtain permission from your Supervisor before leaving your department or assigned work area
  5. Starting work before or continuing to work after specified hours; failure to obtain approval for work exceeding scheduled hours
  6. Failure to maintain a clean, neat and well-groomed appearance; failure to maintain personal hygiene
  7. Failure to attend scheduled mandatory in-service, training sessions, or court
  8. Sleeping during work hours; conducting personal business during work hours
  9. Productivity issues, attitude problem(s) or malicious endeavors resulting in wasted time while on duty/paid County time
  10. Excessive unscheduled or non-productive activities not immediately relevant to the employees job description
  11. Any other instance of improper work performance not listed above

Room 217
36245 Main Street
P.O. Box 67
Whitehall, WI 54773

(715) 538-2311
(715) 538-4776


Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Closed Major Holidays


Amy Spriggle
Director of
Human Resources
Extension 213

Christa Sokup
Human Resources Generalist
Extension 224